Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Big 6 Months!!!!

So it has been a while since I have posted and life has been very hectic.  Sadie has decided that she loves tummy time and is scooting and rolling all over the place.  She definitely has become more mobile and independent over the past month.  Sadie talks constantly, although we are not quite sure what she is talking about, but she is extemely excited to share her thoughts with anyone that will listen.

I have been making all of her baby food at home and so far I have not come across any veggies or fruits that Sadie dislikes.  She has a very healthy appetite.
Daddy is feeding her some yummy rice cereal and squash.

We are going to register and start her in a Mother's Day Out program that begins in September.  She will be going to school Monday and Wednesday, which I am really excited about.  It will be nice for her to interact with other babies and have some time away from mommy!

She has started to sit up on her own. It is only for a few seconds and then she kind of leans over, but she is getting it.  I have no fear that she will be sitting up and on the move in no time.  Her ability to scoot and roll amazes me.  It seems no matter where I put her in relation to her toys she is going to get over there to play with them.  It was funny to me that as much as she hated tummy time, she just rolled over one day and decided it was her favorite position. 

She also loves her jumper, thanks Nan!  It is her second favorite place to be.  She cracks herself up jumping around and playing with the lights on the front of the jumper. 

Well she is going to the doctor for her check up and shots on next Tuesday, so I will have some new numbers for her weight and height then. 

Talk to you soon!!!!

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