Monday, April 25, 2011

Time has flown....

I know that I am the biggest slacker when it comes to posting pictures on here! I drive Sadie crazy with the camera in her face but I just never seem to sit down and actually upload them.  Well enough about my slacking....let's talk about Sadie!  She had her 2 month check up and shots last Monday.  She is 11 lbs and 10oz.  Her shots went well, she screamed during the actual shot, but quickly got over it.

 Hanging out with Grammie!!!
 Getting ready for Miss Gabrielle's birthday party!
 Having fun at the house with Momma! Miss Smiley!!!

Everyday I am more amazed at how fast she is growing up.  She is definitely developing her own personality and  I have been trying for a while to capture her turning over on video, and it finally happened last week.  It takes her a minute but she doesn't give up.  I get so excited when she hits milestones and I can actually catch her doing it.


  1. She is holding her head up so good while on her tummy! She is getting so big!! Her smile is precious!!! For some reason I cannot get the video to play. So adorable!!!

  2. I have it on facebook too, maybe it will work on there. If not I am not sure why.

  3. Look at those little feets just working away trying to get that momentum. She's so stinking cute! She really looks so much like both of you.
